Hit the ground running: Nailah celebrates her first year at Prova

As our junior account executive Nailah Mahomed approaches the end of her first year at Prova, she reflects on her exciting journey so far…

Coming out of university and stepping into the world of work created a whirlwind of emotions. But, as I walked into my role at Prova, I realised that it’s much easier when you have the support of a welcoming team.   

The Prova team at our Christmas meal in December

Getting stuck in

I realised immediately that working at Prova would be a world apart from my previous three years in academia. However, in my first month alone, I was able to jump straight in at the deep end, crafting press releases, writing blogs and delivering media relations for a number of key clients. Importantly, I wasn’t treated as a graduate, but instead as an important member of the team (made so much easier by the ongoing support and tutoring from my colleagues).

Very quickly, I realised that there was far more to public relations than just writing copy. Some of my day-to-day responsibilities included producing video content, organising media briefings with top-tier journalists and securing speaking opportunities at major industry conferences. I also quickly learnt that understanding and researching market trends was crucial for generating impactful communications. Rather than just simple information gathering, my role includes processing data, identifying sector insights and transforming these into thought leadership.

Putting myself out there

Since working at Prova, I have had plenty of opportunities to network and attend exciting industry events. One highlight was attending Fleet and Mobility Live at the NEC in Birmingham, where I got the chance to interview key exhibitors about their thoughts of the future of EVs. I’ve also attended a number of important launch events for our clients.


The launch of The AA’s new fully electrified trucks

Developing new skills

In today’s digital age, being tech savvy is a necessity. Social media management, search engine optimisation (SEO) and digital content creation were areas that I never thought I’d work on at a corporate level. However, at Prova, I apply all these skills at scale. Learning about analytics, creating engaging collateral and leveraging digital platforms for brand visibility has become part of my daily routine.

I have also become keenly aware of how the world of PR is constantly evolving. New trends, tools and strategies emerge regularly, so it’s great that the team at Prova fosters a culture of continuous learning and development. We do regular workshops, webinars and team brainstorming sessions and explore how we can incorporate these new trends into client strategies.

Reflecting on my first 12 months

One of the most rewarding aspects of working at Prova has been the collaborative environment that I am now a part of. Working with diverse teams across various clients, taking part in creative solutions and supporting growth is part of the Prova culture. It’s a reminder that in PR, as in life, we achieve more together.

Looking back, the transition from university to the working world was challenging but incredibly rewarding. Prova has been a nurturing ground for my professional growth and, while the skills I brought from university were a solid starting point, the real learning happened on the job, through experiences, challenges and mentorship.

Stepping into the world of public relations at Prova has been a journey of growth and learning. It’s a dynamic field that keeps me on my toes, but the possibilities are endless!